Jana Field

 Certified Life Coach / by Jana Field / 1274 views / Popular

R 600.00

Jana Field is a transformational life coach who is passionate about helping those who wish to change their current life path and/or realise their true potential.

Jana’s life coaching offers a high level of insight, clarity and awareness and is designed to  help clients in achieving the following:

  • Embracing the necessary and desired change required to achieve a healthier, more fulfilling and meaningful life.
  • Transforming their attitudes and behaviours through the development of greater self-awareness and self-empowerment.
  • Gaining new perspectives on the challenges they face in their current lives and equipping them to visualise opportunity and explore exciting new directions.


Name of Practice: The Journey Tree.
Where: Johannesburg, Gauteng.
Born: 1966.
Qualifications: New Insights Certified Life Coach.
Specialises in: Personal development, spirituality, emotional development.
Unique Selling Proposition: Passionate about sharing own life experiences
and lessons and using skills and insights, supported by spiritual and
shamanic principles to empower others to find a healthy balance.
A coaching environment that is empathic, supportive and inspiring.
Tools and techniques guaranteed to bring about desired positive change.
Fees: R600 per session. Negotiable on a client by client basis.
Discount offered if full programme paid for in advance.
Coaching Body Membership: No.
Contact: click here

Jana Field, New Insights Certified Life Coach


About Me

Life changes are often a result of a personal experience that forces us to look at ourselves, making us realise the need to see and understand ourselves. “Change” can be a frightening experience yet in order to grow and to heal, change is important.

Hi! I am Jana and I have experienced life in many of its forms and I continue to do so. I am the mother of my beautiful, remarkable daughter, life partner to my gentle, kind, magnificent soul mate and I love my gorgeous, crazy German Shepherd as well as our little minx of a terrier!

I aspire to live my life by shamanic principles.

I am a New Insights Certified Life Coach and I apply spiritual and shamanic principles to assist me with my work as a transformational life coach.

I know what it is like to be bullied because of a disability, to leave my home country and adapt to another, to fall in love and out of love, to give birth to a beautiful baby, to marry in hope and divorce with sadness, to say goodbye to special loved ones on Earth and to watch families struggle with their own challenges.

I have been fortunate to experience some of Africa’s most beautiful places, to grapple with my spirituality and then find solace in it. I have been stuck in a job despairing that I will never get out of it, being held back by my own inner fears. I know what it is like to face changes and be frightened of them, to wonder what is my true life purpose and then to discover it, slowly, slowly.

I embrace all of my life experiences with love, gratitude, abundance and peace. It has not always been this way but I have come to accept that my life experiences, the good and the bad, are ME, who I am, what I am about.  It was also the hard and true realisation that in the end, it was my choice as to what story I could tell and live by.

I am passionate about the power of transformational healing and life coaching, empowering others to create the change they want to see in themselves and in their own lives. It is through my own self-awareness of my life experiences, their lessons and the power of transformational healing that I am able to empower others to find their own way through this journey we call Life.

What Can I Do For You?

Equipped with the New Insights 13-Step coaching programme, along with my empathic and intuitive skills, I can help you to realise your own true potential by discovering your own power, empowering you to make the changes you want to make that will transform your life.

  • Do you find yourself questioning your purpose in life, wondering “What now?”
  • Are you facing relationship problems and don’t know which way to go?
  • Do you wish to explore your own personal and emotional development as you realise that there must be more to life than what you have now?
  • Do you aspire to make a career change, move to another country to further your career or do you find yourself uncertain of what career you would like to be in?
  • Do you wish to find more balance, meaning and peace in your life?
  • Are you finding the need to explore your spirituality and life-path?
  • Do you have dreams and goals you want to fulfill but don’t know how to go about achieving them successfully?

As your transformational life coach, I will be there to encourage you, to help you discover what is serving you in life while, at the same time, discover what is not serving you. Together we will explore what is important to you in all areas of your life. I will work with you as you identify your dreams and goals. With my support and guidance, as well as the tools and techniques provided through the New Insights 13-step coaching programme, you will explore new ways of meeting and overcoming your challenges.

Feel free to contact me using the ‘Request a Coach’ facility on this website or just click here.

Make to-day the day you decide to transform your life!


You start dying slowly
If you do not travel,
If you do not read,
If you do not listen to the sounds of life,
If you do not appreciate yourself.

You start dying slowly when you kill your self-esteem,
When you do not let others help you.

You start dying slowly if you become a slave to your habits,
Walking everyday on the same paths … if you do not change your routines,
If you do not wear different colours or you do not speak to those you don’t know.

You start dying slowly if you avoid to feel passion and its turbulent emotions, those that make your eyes glisten and your heart beat fast.

You start dying slowly if you do not change your life when you are not satisfied with your job, or with your love, or with your surroundings.
If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain,
If you do not go after a dream,
If you do not allow yourself,
At least once in your lifetime,
To run away from sensible advice

    Pablo Neruda

Request Me as Your Life Coach

To request me as your life coach, please enter your details on the contact form (making sure to choose my name, Jana Field, from the dropdown list of coaches) on the Request a Coach page.

  • Listing ID: 135
  • Name of Practice: The Journey Tree.
  • Coach Gender: Female
  • Year of Birth: 1966
  • Practice Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng.
  • Coaching Medium: Face-to-Face, Remote (e.g. Telephone/Skype/Zoom, etc.)
  • Qualifications: New Insights Certified Life Coach.
  • Speciality/Niche: Personal development, spirituality, emotional development.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Passionate about sharing own life experiences and lessons and using skills and insights, supported by spiritual and shamanic principles to empower others to find a healthy balance. A coaching environment that is empathic, supportive and inspiring. Tools and techniques guaranteed to bring about desired positive change.
  • Languages Spoken: English